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Exhibition “Views, landscapes, and engraved rocks”

From 2 August to 4 November 2018, “Sguardi, paesaggi, rocce incise – La Valle Camonica negli archivi dell’Istituto Frobenius (missioni 1935-1937) presents a selection of photographs taken during the study projects carried out in Valle Camonica by the Istituto Frobenius of Frankfurt / Main in the 1930s, and digitally acquired with a specific project (L. 77/2006 EF 2013).

“Sguardi, paesaggi, rocce incise - La Valle Camonica negli archivi dell’Istituto Frobenius (missioni 1935-1937)”

The exhibition itinerary is divided into three locations that explore different themes: the MUPRE, where the missions, the places, the protagonists and the methodologies used for the documentation of the rock carvings are illustrated; the National Rock Engravings Park in Naquane and the Municipal Archaeological Park of Seradina-Bedolina, which displays images that shows the original situation of the engraved rocks, in many cases freed from the earth that partly covered them after the 1930s.

Admission to the exhibition is included in the cost of the ticket.