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Fool of love. Cameristi della Scala & friends in concert at Sirmione

A cycle of five concerts at poet Catullo’s home town from June to September 2018 in the name of the great early modern era love poet, William Shakespeare.

Inside Sirmione’s Grotte di Catullo and Castello Scaligero, the Cameristi della Scala will breathe life into a full blown journey through music. And they will be accompanied by some of the most famous names in the international music panorama. Giovanni Sollima, cello virtuoso and famous composer, and Richard Galliano, ultra-famous French composer and accordion player.

On 9th June Giovanni Solima inaugurated the event with a musical journey around Shakespeare, the genius of English drama, at Grotte di Catullo, with music from the 17th century to our own day.

On 30th June Richard Galliano alternated his own compositions with others by Astor Piazzolla at the same location.

The 20th July concert will be devoted to brass and take part in the courtyard of Castello Scaligero with the Ottoni Milano quintet.

Once again at on Grotte di Catullo 27th August, the Percussionisti della Scala will perform a repertoire dedicated to 20th century music.

The final concert on 8th September will once again feature stringed instruments – violin, viola and cello – in a little masterpiece written by Franz Schubert when he was 29, Unfinished Trio in B Flat Major, before performing one of the musical greats of all time, Johann Sebastian Bach’s Goldberg Variations.

Click here to download the full programme